What's Going On
Posted on September 26, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Delegate Elections: 
We are seeking volunteers for Neighborhood Voting Delegate positions. This year's call for delegates will start on October 2nd, 2023. Each neighborhood elects a Voting Delegate and an Alternate to represent the interests of the neighborhood for a term of 2 years. There are 54 neighborhoods, thus allowing for 108 volunteer opportunities. The average time commitment is expected to be 2 to 4 hours per month and a quarterly meeting. 
Residents interested in volunteering should complete the online registration available at www.ciaservices.com or contact GrandManors at cinco2@ciramail.com or 281-394-7195.  To access the registration online, click on Find My Community, click on Cinco Ranch II Residential from the list of communities and then click on the registration link at the bottom left.   
For more information or to discuss any neighborhood volunteer opportunity, please contact any member of the management team at 281-394-7195.
The deadline to submit candidates is October 16th.
Posted on September 16, 2022 9:00 AM by Admin
Park Naming Ceremony for Harold Russell Joseph Jr
On Thursday August 18, 2022, the park bounded by Radcliff and Springfield Ridge Dr (formerly Park at Pine Mills) in the Pine Mill community was dedicated the “Harold Russell Joseph Jr Park. “
Mr. Joseph is a longtime resident of the Cinco community. As a member of the various municipal Utilities Boards in Cinco and an engineer tasked with Cinco Ranch 2 development, his influence assisted in the establishment in developing a community where we feel safe and proud. Mr. Joseph retire from the board after 40 plus years of service to the Cinco area. Over the years he possessed a common passion dedicated to utilizing MUD funding to improved or maintain Cinco Ranch 2 as a premier residential and business location in the Houston area, the state of Texas and nationally. In January 2022, the board approved the dedication of the park to recognize his contribution as a fitting tribute to his commitment to Cinco Ranch 2.
While the park was already established as a community gathering area for families and teams, the naming of this parks and other in our community creates character and focus to our park facilities and amenities. During the dedication ceremony several of Russell’s family members and colleagues spoke to Russell commemorating this dedication. Russell’s wife and son welcomed that he was being recognized while living to hear that his commitment was appreciated. Larry Peterson, a former colleague, current MUD board member and friend stated, Russell was instrumental in the development and work to lay the infrastructure of Cinco Ranch 2. Speakers emphasized that our parks aim to bring community members especially those living in or near these neighborhoods together. Now they no longer have to say, “let’s meet at the park down by Springfield drive,” they can say “let us meet at “Joseph Park.”
Thank you, Russell, for the myriad hours and thoughts you put into our community.
Posted on May 6, 2022 9:00 AM by CRRA2 Board of Directors
As I drive around our residential development the signs that spring has arrived are seen everywhere. The flowers and plants are all blooming in full colors and our neighbors are hard at work repairing winter damage to their yards and flower beds! The Texas Landscape Group has been hard at work; repairing infrastructure, installing spring plantings, and taking care of sod in the entrances and our common areas. Everything is really looking inviting!
The highlights of the April 20, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting are as follows:

Property Management Company (PMC): The Board was pleased to announce that a Property Management Agreement covering Cinco Ranch II was executed on April 20, 2022, with RealManage, LLC, which does business as GrandManors of Texas. The agreement is effective on July 1, 2022, to align with the June 30, 2022 expiration
of the current Property Management Agreement. The transition to GrandManors will begin immediately; however, C.I.A. Services will continue to manage our Community until June 30th. C.I.A. Services has been a fantastic partner to the Association since 2008 and their hard work and service over this timeframe are greatly appreciated by the Board and the Association. RealManage was established in 2004 in Austin, Texas, currently operates throughout the United States, and is considered one of the top residential management companies in the country. Their corporate culture was a significant driver in the Board selection as they strive to provide: comprehensive and innovative Community solutions, performance measurement and improvement of physical and “living’ assets, a dedicated onsite staff, innovative IT/ Financial systems, preventative maintenance, and asset controls. Further information on RealManage can be found on their website at: www.realmange.com, and GoodManors will be reaching out to the Association Homeowners with information, contact details, and relevant information in the very near future.
The GrandManors division of RealManage was launched in 2015 and provides management services to large communities like ours that include many amenities and are lifestyle-orientated. In our case, there will be an initial on-site staff of nine, including a General Manager, Community Manager, Landscape Manager, and Maintenance Manager. This on-site staff will be located at the Lake House and our current Field Maintenance Office on Water Plant Road. The structure of the new Property Management Agreement should allow the Association to maintain costs within the current budget, and it is expected that additional savings will be realized in the
future. There will be some costs associated with the transition, but they should be minimal including updating our internet service and office spaces at the Lake House and the Field Office. Most of these changes would need to be made, even if a change in a new PMC did not occur.
Winter Storm Uri Insurance Claim: After a very long road, and with great effort by Kimberly Cowart and others, the insurance claim for freeze damages to the  Community assets, including the Ashfield Gardens has been closed and the funds due to the Association have been received.
FM 1463 Land Acquisition: This is another long-term project that has been brought to closure. All of the land to be acquired by TXDoT for the widening of FM 1463, which is known at this time, has been completed. From an original offer by the State of approximately $1.1 million, the team was able to secure total compensation to the Association of over $1.6 million, after the costs related to our legal consultant. Hugh kudos to this team and their fine efforts!
I hope that this captures the highlights of the meeting for those members who may have not been able to attend the April 20, 2022 meeting.

Brett Butterfield, Vice-President
on behalf of Donnie Loubiere
Posted on January 28, 2022 10:00 AM by Admin
Bicycle Safety in Cinco Ranch II
According to the Texas DOT bicyclist fatalities from traffic crashes are on the rise in Texas. In 2020, there were 2,173 traffic crashes involving bicyclists in Texas and the greatest number of traffic crashes involving a bicyclist and bicyclist fatalities occurred in the early evening.
Did you know bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers and can also be fined for violating traffic laws? Bicyclists must obey all traffic signs and signals, including red lights and stop signs, ride in the same direction as traffic, use hand signals when turning or stopping, and yield the right of way. Cyclists must also have a white light on the front and a red light or reflector on the back of their bike when riding at night. Sidewalk riding is generally prohibited. Cyclists may utilize paths for bicyclists that have been provided adjacent to the road.
Some quick tips:
  • Wear a properly fitted helmet.
  • Check the brakes and tires of your bicycle before riding.
  • Wear light colors to make it easier for drivers to see you.
  • Stay alert and put away electronic devices. Pay attention to lane markers.
  • Don't ride between vehicles.
  • Cross at intersections. Remember to get off your bike and walk when crossing at intersections. 
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing.
  • Never attempt to cross a multi-lane highway.
  • Always have one hand on the handlebars and remember no bicycle may have more than one rider per saddle.
  • Use proper hand signals: For a left turn, stretch your left arm to the left. For a right turn, stretch your right arm to the right. For a stop, hold your left elbow out, arm downward, with palm facing behind you.
For more information on bicycle safety click here.
Posted on January 21, 2022 10:00 AM by Admin
Please do not feed the ducks. In the wild, a particular lake or pond habitat can sustain a certain number of ducks and/or geese – there is a maximum number of individuals that can successfully reside there indefinitely, with enough food, water, and shelter. This “carrying capacity” of the habitat can be artificially increased when supplemental food is added. Overcrowded habitats also are prime territories for disease outbreaks; there have been numerous outbreaks of botulism, avian cholera, duck plague (duck enteritis virus), and aspergillosis (fungal infection). For areas with high volumes of supplemental feeding, it’s also quite common for the unconsumed, leftover food to attract scavengers, including raccoons, opossums, and rats. Dense populations of these scavengers bring the potential for further disease outbreaks, including zoonotic diseases that are transmissible to humans.
Posted on January 14, 2022 10:00 AM by Admin
Effective January 1st there was a change in the Fort Bend County Commissioner for Cinco Ranch II. We are now under Fort Bend County Commissioner Precinct 1 rather than Fort Bend County Commissioner Precinct 3. The new County Commissioner is Vincent Morales, Jr.
The Commissioner's Office is open to the public by appointment 8 AM- 5 PM Monday- Thursday, and 8 AM to Noon on Fridays.
Telephone: 281-344-9400
Fax: 281-342-0587
Email: commpct1@fortbendcountytx.gov
Posted on January 7, 2022 10:00 AM by Admin
Routine roof repair and periodic maintenance are both essential when it comes to maintaining your home’s structural integrity. Your house’s roof protects you and your loved ones from the harsh elements outside and keeps everybody safe and comfy.
If your roof is suffering from poor design or leaks, it can cause costly collateral damage, such as water runoffs inside of your home, erosion of your building’s foundation, paint and furnishing damages, sagging, and much more.
Remember to follow the HOA guidelines on shingle replacement:
1. All buildings shall be roofed with composition shingles unless otherwise approved in writing by the Design Review Committee. Wood shingles are specifically prohibited for safety reasons.
2. Composition shingles must weigh at least 23 0 pounds per square and have a stated warranty of at least 25 years. Shingles must have a shadow profile design.
Three-tab shingles are specifically prohibited except for use as a starter and cap rows.
3. Roof shingles must be weathered wood, dark brown or dark gray tones. All other colors must be reviewed by the Design Review Committee.
4. Roof overlays are not allowed. Prior to roofing, all existing materials must be removed down to clean decking. Any damaged or deteriorated decking must be
5. Ridge vents are encouraged, to improve ventilation, reduce attic temperature and reduce cooling costs, but are not required.
6. All roof protrusions, such as vents, roof jacks, must be painted to match the shingles.
7. Subject to Section 8 below and with advance written approval from the Cinco Ranch Residential Association II, Inc., an owner may install shingles ("Alternative Shingles") which are designed primarily to: 
     a. be wind and hail resistant; or
     b. provide heating or cooling efficiencies greater than traditional composition shingles; or
     c. provide solar energy capture capabilities.
8. Once installed, any such Alternative Shingles must:
     a. resemble the shingles used or authorized to be used on other structures within the Association; and
     b. be more durable than and of equal or superior quality to the shingles used or authorized to be used on other structures within the Association; and
     c. match the aesthetics of properties surrounding the owner's property.
Additional information on Home Improvement Requests can be located here. Remember to submit your HIR and wait for approval BEFORE you start work.
Posted on December 24, 2021 10:00 AM by Admin
We are looking for original, striking images of Cinco Ranch II. These images may reflect a range of landscapes, events, activities, community classes, all located within Cinco Ranch II. These photos will be used for the contest to select a Cover photo of the new website, mycincoranch.com, and for a monthly Cover photo of the community newsletter, My Cinco Ranch.  We encourage entries from all neighborhoods of Cinco Ranch II. Each photo submission must be accompanied by a brief description, as well as the location where the photo was taken - photos must be from within Cinco Ranch II.  photos taken outside of Cinco Ranch II are not eligible.  Please only send in high-resolution photos!  
Entries must be:
The original work of the entrant
Non-infringing of the rights of others
Respectful of the rights, sensitivities, and culture of persons depicted
An accurate reflection of the subject matter and scene as it appeared, without alteration (other than standard optimization, including removal of dust, cropping, adjustments to color and contrast, etc.)
WHEN: photos are accepted year-round.
HOW: Up to 3 photographs may be submitted per person, per month. Entries may be entered by emailing Lifestyle@mycincoranch.com.  Mailed entries will not be accepted.  Please include your address, a caption for each photo, and the location they were taken. 
FILE REQUIREMENTS: All files of images may not exceed 9 megabytes (9 MB). CRRA2, and C.I.A. Services Inc. cannot be responsible for lost, damaged, late, or misdirected entries, or for faulty uploading connections, garbled transmissions, unauthorized intervention, or technical malfunctions.  PLEASE SEND HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGES ONLY!  
JUDGING: Judges will include Board members, Management team. Entries will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, and artistic merit. Decisions made by the judges are final.
WINNING ENTRIES: All entries may be used by CRRA2, and C.I.A. Services Inc. in any and all types of publications; we also reserve the right to use certain submissions.  Entrants understand that by entering this contest, you forfeit all ownership rights and claims to the submissions. CRRA2 shall have the right to verify, in its sole judgment, winner eligibility. A selection of photos may be featured on CRRA2's website, CIA Services Inc.’s website.  Winning images also may be used in a slideshow, on social media, in CRRA2, C.I.A. Services Inc. and/or in CRRA2, and CIA Services Inc. offices.
LEGAL CONDITIONS: By entering the contest, you automatically agree to the Legal Conditions. Entry of photographs into the Contest implies acceptance of these conditions, regardless of whether entrants sign a statement confirming acceptance.
Copyright: By submitting this entry, you hereby give Cinco Ranch Residential Association II, Inc., Cinco Southwest Community Council, Inc., C.I.A. Services Inc., their affiliates, assigns, licensees, successors-in-interest, legal representatives, and heirs (“Cinco Ranch II”) the irrevocable right to use the name (or any fictional name), photographed in all forms and in all media and in all manners, of me or my family, and my photograph, without any restriction as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite or distorted representations, or derivative works made in any medium) now or hereafter known for illustration, publication, advertising, trade, promotion, exhibition, or any other lawful purposes, and we waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph(s) or finished version(s) incorporating the photograph(s), including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith. You agree that Cinco Ranch II owns the copyright in these photographs and you hereby waive any claims you may have based on any usage of the photographs or works derived therefrom, including but not limited to claims for either invasion of privacy or libel.
For questions regarding the photo Contests, please contact the Community Coordinator at lifestyle@mycincoranch.com
Posted on December 10, 2021 10:00 AM by Admin
The results of the Tri Pointe Annexation Delegate voting can be found here. Additional details about the Tri Pointe annexation request are located here.
Posted on November 5, 2021 9:00 AM by Admin
The Annual Meeting was held virtually 10/28/2021 and Neighborhood Delegates voted for open board positions. We wish our outgoing board members all the best and hope they continue to volunteer their services to the new board.
Expired Terms:
Chester Pleasant
Whitney Smith
Rhonda Runge
Ron Stefani
Please welcome your new board members. You may reach the HOA board through the Contact Us page.
New Members – Term Expires in 2023
Brett Butterfield
James “Donnie” Loubiere
Hayden Arnold
Darell Lennear
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