What's Going On
Posted on September 26, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Delegate Elections: 
We are seeking volunteers for Neighborhood Voting Delegate positions. This year's call for delegates will start on October 2nd, 2023. Each neighborhood elects a Voting Delegate and an Alternate to represent the interests of the neighborhood for a term of 2 years. There are 54 neighborhoods, thus allowing for 108 volunteer opportunities. The average time commitment is expected to be 2 to 4 hours per month and a quarterly meeting. 
Residents interested in volunteering should complete the online registration available at www.ciaservices.com or contact GrandManors at cinco2@ciramail.com or 281-394-7195.  To access the registration online, click on Find My Community, click on Cinco Ranch II Residential from the list of communities and then click on the registration link at the bottom left.   
For more information or to discuss any neighborhood volunteer opportunity, please contact any member of the management team at 281-394-7195.
The deadline to submit candidates is October 16th.
Posted on September 1, 2023 9:00 AM by CRRA2 Board of Directors

The Nominating Committee is currently seeking candidates for four (4) board positions to serve a 2-year term! The Board of Directors meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month during the late afternoon to early evening. Directors may be asked to participate in committees, workshops, and other community events. The expected time commitment is ten (10) to twenty (20) hours per month.

If YOU are interested in volunteering for one of the four (4) positions, send an email to cinco2@ciramail.com to request a candidate questionnaire. The deadline for candidate questionnaire submittal is Thursday, September 21, 2023 by 5pm. You can return via email or drop by the office/drop in the mailbox!

A candidate orientation will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 6:30PM, to review general information regarding roles, responsibilities, and expectations of serving the Board. Meet the Candidate Night will be held immediately following the orientation, to give all Neighborhood Voting Delegates the opportunity to meet the candidates.

For more information or to discuss any neighborhood volunteer opportunities, please contact our staff, located at the Lake House, at 281.394.3175 or cinco2@ciramail.com.
Posted on March 17, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General
Streetlight Outages - You can report streetlight outages on-line with CenterPoint Energy. The six digit number on the pole helps but is not required. If you prefer reporting outages "the old fashioned way", please call 713-207-2222.
CenterPoint Energy Electric Contact Maps - These maps give you the option of entering an address or simply clicking on the map at a particular location and it will give you the email and phone number for the appropriate person that handles that area.
CenterPoint Energy Gas Contact Maps - These maps give you the option of entering an address or simply clicking on the map at a particular location and it will give you the email and phone number for the appropriate person that handles that area.
CenterPoint Energy Streetlights Contact Maps - These maps give you the option of entering an address or simply clicking on the map at a particular location and it will give you the email and phone number for the appropriate person that handles that area.
CenterPoint Energy Service Connect Contact Maps - These maps give you the option of entering an address or simply clicking on the map at a particular location and it will give you the email and phone number for the appropriate person that handles that area.
Manage Power Outage Alerts - CenterPoint Energy is the company that delivers your electricity and restores it when it goes out, Power Alert Service (PAS) can notify you, family and friends of the outage, restoration progress and when power is fully restored.
NOTE: CenterPoint offers a short video to see how PAS can benefit you.
Posted on March 3, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General
  1. Check gutters regularly to make sure they’re properly attached and clear of sticks and leaves. Also confirm the flow of water from your gutters is away from your home to avoid damage to your foundation.
  2. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors monthly. Experts also recommend changing the batteries in these items as part of your routine when you change the clocks in the fall and spring.
  3. Change filters in your home at intervals recommended by your HVAC manufacturer, especially if you have allergies or pets. A dirty filter means an inefficient system. Also arrange for seasonal checks on your heating and cooling system to avoid emergency repairs.
  4. Hire a tree-service company to inspect trees on your property. They can give you advice on how to care for your trees and identify weak limbs that should be cut before a storm.
  5. Is your toilet running? Or your faucets? No, this isn’t a joke. Toilets that run and faucets that leak when not in use are wasting your water. Sometimes you can fix these problems yourself, but hire an expert if you’re in doubt.
  6. Frequently check the water supply hose to your washing machine, which can leak and cause expensive damage.
  7. Clean your dryer vent regularly. Note the dryer vent is not the lint trap (which should be cleaned often, too). Dryer vents push air outside the property through a duct, but can get filled with lint. Clogged dryer vents can be a fire hazard.
  8. Clean around the vents and coils underneath and behind your refrigerator to support its efficiency. Also check for gaps when it’s closed to make sure your cool air isn’t being wasted.
  9. Check your doors, garage door, windows, and any places where pipes and wires enter the structure for gaps and cracks. Replace weather-stripping that’s missing or in disrepair and add caulk where needed. This will help you keep the house insulated for all seasons and keep bugs and small creatures out.
  10. Have a pest-control expert inspect your home, even if you don’t suspect signs of infestation, since attic and crawlspace critters are usually unwanted guests on your property.
Posted on February 17, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General
Board meetings are open to all owners. The meetings are announced on the community web pages with a date, time and place at least 144 hours in advance of the meeting. The agenda for the meeting should also be posted.
Posted on February 10, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General
8 simple ways to make your neighborhood safer: 
  1. Make friends with neighbors
  2. Organize neighborhood safety efforts
  3. Keep up your yard
  4. Install a security system
  5. Exercise caution when out of town
  6. Close windows and blinds at night
  7. Improve lighting on your street
  8. If you see something, say something
Read the entire blog here
Posted on February 3, 2023 9:00 AM by CRRA2 Board of Directors
Categories: General, HOA
Dear Cinco2 Residents,

On January 18th we held the first HOA Board Meeting for 2023. Below are a few of the items discussed. 
2023 Board Members: Our Treasurer for 2022, Hayden Arnold, turned in his resignation from the HOA Board for personal reasons. The Board has to appoint a resident to complete the vacant seat term. The Board appointed Lindsay Giesy to the vacated seat. Lindsay received the next highest votes in the latest Board elections. We appreciate Hayden’s time on the board, his expertise in financial and auditing has been invaluable.
  • Donnie Loubiere - President
  • Bill Hedberg - Vice President
  • Brett Butterfield - Secretary
  • Lindsay Giesy - Director
  • Haleigh Garret - Treasurer
  • Keith Lehtinen - Assistant Treasurer
  • Sunil Shalia - Director

Wealth Management Company: The CRRA2 reserve funds are currently invested in FDIC insured Laddered CD’s with CIT Bank. The Board has approved the process to begin moving the reserves from CIT Bank to Fidelity, while still investing in FDIC insured CD’s. The available interest rates are higher than CIT Bank could offer. The board goal is to invest about 90% of the available funds in Laddered CD’s but not higher than 95%. We hope to capitalize on the recent interest rate increases to help off set inflation. 
Real Manage Personnel Change: We have a new General Manager for Real Manage. Arianna Luna has replaced Cathy Jensen, whom resigned at the end of the year. Arianna has been with Real Manage for about 4 years, she was previously at Pine Mill Ranch. 
Web Sites: We currently have 2 web sites servicing our community: mycincoranch.com and www.ciranet.com. The old web site, “mycincoranch.com”, which is owned by the HOA, contains information about events, documents, forms, and other information. The new website, “ciranet.com” is Real Manage site for paying assessments, requesting
modification to your home, violation information and other notices. If you have not registered on “ciranet”, we encourage you to do so. You may need to contact the staff in the Lake House to receive some codes to register. One of our goals this year is to link the web sites together to make it more user friendly.
Landscaping: The recent hard freeze and high winds caused a lot of damage to our landscaping. Some shrubs will be left alone until there is little chance of another freeze. The dead leaves can act as an insulation if another freeze occurs. Lantana, Dianella, Jasmine and Knock Out Roses will come back as the weather warms. Winter color plants are dead, but will replace with spring color plants in a few weeks.

There seems to be an increase in home break ins recently. We encourage neighbors to watch out for each others property and to always secure the house when you’re away.
Donnie Loubiere
Posted on January 27, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General
 As a recognized homeowners association, our community has a board to help our HOA run smoothly. The board consists of volunteers who execute a wide variety of tasks you may not be aware of; however, their work affects every single resident. One of the most important things the board does is create and enforce the association rules.
While some residents may not like being told what they can and can’t do, ultimately the board is looking out for the greater good. By enforcing the rules, the board is doing its best to keep property value up and conflicts down. Of course, the board wants to make sure the rules are beneficial for the majority—and hopefully all—residents. You are welcome to raise concerns about the rules at open board meetings. 
Another major responsibility of the board is to collect assessments from homeowners. Collecting this money is important for the stability of the association, because the assessments pay for the common elements enjoyed by all residents. Assessments also help to replenish the reserve funds, which pay for any major repairs the association may need. The board is responsible for the association’s finances, and collecting assessments is how it ensures that the association remains solvent.

Finally, the board acts on behalf of the association by hiring managers, attorneys, contractors and other professionals who help better the association. Board members also help conceive and lead many of the projects that will improve the HOA.

While it’s a big job, board members are happy to serve the residents and make the community a great place to call home. So why not learn more about what these volunteers do by talking to your board members, attending an open board meeting or even running for a seat on the board during our next election? The more people we have looking out for our association, the stronger it will be.
Posted on January 20, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General
We are looking for original, striking images of Cinco Ranch II. These images may reflect a range of landscapes, events, activities, and community classes, all located within Cinco Ranch II. These photos will be used for a monthly cover photo of the community newsletter, My Cinco Ranch, social media, and/or the Mycincoranch.com website. We encourage entries from all neighborhoods of Cinco Ranch II. Each photo submission must be accompanied by a brief description, as well as the location where the photo was taken - photos must be from within Cinco Ranch II. Photos taken outside of Cinco Ranch II are not eligible. Please only send in high-resolution images!
Entries must be:
  • The original work of the entrant
  • Non-infringing of the rights of others
  • Respectful of the rights, sensitivities, and culture of persons depicted
  • An accurate reflection of the subject matter and scene as it appeared, without alteration (other than standard optimization, including removal of dust, cropping, adjustments to color and contrast, etc.)
WHEN: Photos are accepted year-round.
HOW: Up to 3 photographs may be submitted per person, per month. Entries may be entered by emailing Lifestyle@mycincoranch.com. Mailed entries will not be accepted. Please include your address, a caption for each photo, and the location they were taken.
FILE REQUIREMENTS: All files of images may not exceed 9 megabytes (9 MB). CRRA2, and CRSWCC or their respective management companies cannot be responsible for lost, damaged, late, or misdirected entries, faulty uploading connections, garbled transmissions, unauthorized intervention, or technical malfunctions. PLEASE SEND HIGH-RESOLUTION IMAGES ONLY!
ENTRIES: All entries may be used by CRSWCC, CRRA2, or their management companies in any and all types of publications; we also reserve the right to use specific submissions. Entrants understand that by entering this contest, you forfeit all ownership rights and claims to the submissions. CRSWCC shall have the right to verify, in its sole judgment, eligibility. A selection of photos may be featured on mycincoranch.com and CIA Services, Inc.’s website. Images also may be used in a slideshow, on social media, in CRSWCC, CRRA2, or their management companies.
LEGAL CONDITIONS: By submitting photos, you automatically agree to the Legal Conditions. Entry of photographs implies acceptance of these conditions, regardless of whether entrants sign a statement confirming acceptance.
COPYRIGHT: By submitting an entry, you hereby give Cinco Ranch Southwest Community Council, Cinco Ranch Residential Associtation II, and their respective management companies, their affiliates, assigns, licensees, successors-in-interest, legal representatives, and heirs (“Cinco Ranch II”) the irrevocable right to use the name (or any fictional name), photographed in all forms and in all media and in all manners, of me or my family, and my photograph, without any restriction as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite or distorted representations, or derivative works made in any medium) now or hereafter known for illustration, publication, advertising, trade, promotion, exhibition, or any other lawful purposes, and we waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph(s) or finished version(s) incorporating the photograph(s), including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith. You agree that CRSWCC owns the copyright in these photographs, and you hereby waive any claims you may have based on any usage of the photographs or works derived therefrom, including but not limited to claims for either invasion of privacy or libel.

For questions regarding the photo contests, please contact the Community Coordinator at lifestyle@mycincoranch.com
Posted on January 13, 2023 9:00 AM by Admin
Categories: General, HOA
  • Board Members Want Homeowners to Attend Board Meetings! HOA Boards conduct meetings on a regular schedule and residents are encouraged to attend. By showing up to the community’s Board meeting, homeowners learn about important issues facing the community. At the meeting, residents have the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions and gain a greater understanding of the factors that will ultimately play into the Board’s decision-making process. Board members are seeking resident input, feedback and guidance as they decide on what is best for the community at large.
  • They Want to Do What is Best for Homeowners! HOA Board members have a single purpose in mind: to increase property values by protecting the community. They make decisions with this overarching principle in mind. Both the HOA Board and a community’s homeowners association property management company share this goal. While some Board decisions might seem arbitrary or nitpicky, residents should remember that the Board and management company are required to use this as a basis to guide their decision-making.
  • The Board is Always Looking for Help! Board members want residents to volunteer for committees, run for a position on the Board and offer to undertake responsibilities to help the Board function more smoothly. The members of the HOA Board are volunteers and do not get paid for their service. They are willing to lend their time and attention to important issues to help protect the property values of the entire community. Residents with special skills or knowledge are encouraged to support fellow residents by volunteering their time for general needs or by serving on a committee.
  • Board Members Must Uphold the HOA’s Governing Docs! Board members have a legal fiduciary responsibility to uphold the governing documents for their community, whether they agree with the documents or not. Board members are not trying to be punitive or unreasonable when making certain decisions for the community. They are simply serving on a Board of Directors with important legal obligations. As a reminder, homeowners who are unhappy with any of the guidelines outlined in their community’s governing documents can open the conversation to make a change. 
  • HOA Management Companies Are There to Help Residents, Not Just Enforce Rulings! HOA Boards hire management companies to provide advice on best business practices and help them understand the legal implications of their decisions. Since Board members volunteer their time, the management company provides administrative support like community inspections, communications services and expertise based on their lengthy experience in community management. 
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