Catch and Release Fishing in Cinco Ranch II
Posted on September 18, 2019 9:00 AM by Admin
Fishing at Cinco Ranch Lakes
Did you know that Cinco Ranch is a Catch and Release the only area for fishing? Yes, this is true and confirmed in the Common Area Rules and Guidelines filed on July 19, 2017. I had to look it up too. Section 6 states that “Hunting and harassment of wildlife on common area grounds is not permitted.” Section 7 states “Fishing at the community lakes is permitted; however, any fish caught must be released back into the lakes as they are for "catch and release" fishing only.”
Why does this matter to you? Fishing is fun and relaxing. It is also a sport and competition. Anyone who doesn't want to catch the 'big one' in the area has never fished before right? I want to and I do not fish often.
So remember when you fish in Cinco Ranch there are some rules to be followed and not just the HOA rules. Texas Parks and Wildlife Division has some great guidelines on their site. Remember kids under 17 can fish for free (no license) and adults, well we need a fishing license with a freshwater endorsement to fish in Cinco Ranch lakes. You can only fish with a pole and line and no more than two fishing rods per person.
So what is 'Catch and Release' Fishing? Where or how do would one go about it? According to Texas Parks & Wildlife website you need to do the following:
Begin wisely for you and the fish.
- Set the hook quickly to reduce the likelihood that fish will swallow the bait.
- Play and land fish as quickly as possible. Playing fish to exhaustion can harm the fish.
- When fishing in deep water, bring fish in slowly to help it adjust to changing pressure.
- Consider using barbless hooks.
- Keep your release tools close by.
Handling Your Catch
- Proper handling protects both you and the fish. Some fishes have sharp fins or teeth that can cut you.
- Avoid removing the slime/mucus layer, which protects fish from parasites and infections.
- Try to keep fish off the ground or floor of a boat.
- Use a wet rag or glove, or wet hands before handling fish.
- Turn fish on its back and cover its eyes to calm it.
- Don't put your fingers in the eyes or gills.
- Minimize the time fish is out of the water (no longer than you can hold your breath.)
- Leave fish in the water if you can and use a tool to remove the hook.
- If possible, keep the fish from thrashing without using a net. If a net is required, use a rubber-mesh landing net instead of abrasive nylon.
- Smaller fish (< 5 pounds) can be vertically held by the lower jaw, either by hand or with grippers. Hold larger fish horizontally and support with two hands.
Removing the Hook
- Use needle-nose pliers, hemostats, or a hook remover to remove the hook and protect your hands.
- Back the hook out the opposite way it went in.
- For a larger fish in the water, slip a gaff around the leader and slide it to the hook. Lift the gaff upward while pulling downward on the leader.
- Do not jerk or pop a leader to break it. This can injure vital organs in the fish.
Letting it Go
- Place fish in the water, gently supporting the mid-section and tail until it swims away.
- Resuscitate an exhausted fish by moving it or facing it into the current, gently forcing water into the mouth and over the gills.
- Watch the fish when released. If it doesn't swim away, recover it and try again.
Whatever the reason you fish, when you fish in Cinco Ranch Residential Association II lakes or ponds, you want to make sure the fish has the ultimate chance at survival as you practice catch and release skills.
Check out for more information about fishing, hunting, wildlife and regulations.